Before using the Voicemail feature, you must enter the voice server number obtained from T-Mobile customer service in the
Voice server number field.
3. Press
Enable Visual Voicemail
to activate the feature for the first time.
Voicemail is a network feature and charges may apply. Please contact T-Mobile’s customer service for further details.
• Voicemail settings
: allows you to record a greeting, change your PIN, or activate the voicemail feature.
• Call voicemail
: dials the voice mailbox.
•Sync now
: synchronizes with the Visual Voicemail inbox.
4. Follow the voicemail prompts.
Voicemail settings
1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Messaging ➔ Voicemail.
You must activate your account to use this feature.
2. Press
Voicemail settings
3. Select
Record greeting
Change PIN
, or
Activate now
Setting up Visual Voicemail
1. From Idle mode, press Menu ➔ Messaging ➔ Voicemail and press the
soft key or the key.
2. At the prompt, press the
soft key if you want to activate Visual Voicemail.
3. Press
at the prompt to activate this feature.