Enhance web accessibility
: Set applications to install web scripts to make their web
content more accessible.
Mono audio
: Enable mono sound when listening to audio with one earbud.
Turn off all sounds
: Mute all device sounds.
Tap and hold delay
: Set the recognition time for tapping and holding the screen.
Developer options
Change the settings for application development.
Desktop backup password
: Set a password to secure your backup data.
Stay awake
: Set the screen to remain on while you are charging the battery.
Protect SD card
: Set to request a confirmation when reading data from a memory card.
USB debugging
: Activate USB debugging mode to connect your device to a computer
with a USB cable.
Allow mock locations
: Allow mock locations and service information to be sent to a
Location Manager service for testing.
Select debug app
: Select applications to debug and prevent errors when you pause
Wait for debugger
: Set to prevent the selected application from loading until the
debugger is ready.
Show touches
: Set to show the pointer when you touch the screen.
Show pointer location
: Set to show the coordinates and traces of the pointer when you
touch the screen.
Show layout boundaries
: Set to show boundaries.