Understanding Your Phone 29
5. Press to return to the main Home screen.
You can now add items to your new Home screen.
To delete a Home screen:
1. Press to activate the main Home screen.
2. Press
and tap
Edit page
3. Touch and hold the Home screen you want to delete.
4. Drag it to the trash can located at the top of the screen.
The page will turn red.
5. If there are items on the Home screen, the
home screen page
prompt is displayed.
6. Tap
to delete the page and its contents, otherwise
7. Press to return to the main Home screen.
Moving Home Screens
You can arrange your Home screens in any order that you
To move a Home screen, follow these steps:
1. Press to activate the main Home screen.
2. Press
and tap
Edit page
3. Touch and hold the Home screen you want to move.
4. Drag it to the location that you would like to place it.
When you move a Home screen, the other Home
screens are re-ordered automatically.
5. Press to return to the main Home screen.
Notification Bar
The Notification Bar includes a pull-down list to show
information about processes that are running, recent
notifications, and alerts.
On the Home screen, touch and hold the Notification
Bar at the top of your screen until the pull-down
displays, then drag down vertically.
Clearing Notifications
To clear all notifications from the Notification panel:
1. From the Home screen, touch and hold the Notification
Bar until the pull-down displays, then drag down
2. Tap the
The notifications are cleared and the panel closes.