Similarly, Google Now can use data that you may have stored
in third-party products that you allow Google to access. For
example, your tablet’s synced calendar may include entries from
non-Google calendar products. If you have such an entry for a
dentist appointment that includes the dentist’s address, Google
Now can check trafc and suggest when to leave.
You’re in control. You can choose exactly which cards you’d like
to see, adjust the details of what they display, and adjust your
privacy settings.
For more information about Google Now and your location
information, see “Chapter 5, Use Google Now & Search.”
Swipe down for notications & settings
Notications alert you to the arrival of new messages, calendar
events, and alarms, as well as ongoing events, such as video
When a notication arrives, its icon appears at the top of the
screen. Icons for pending notications appear on the left, and
system icons showing things like Wi-Fi signal or battery strength
on the right: