Add signature: Set whether or not to add your
signature to your outgoing messages.
Signature: Enter your signature.
Customise other account settings. -
Receiving options• :
Email size - : Select a maximum size allowed for
Send read report - : Set the network to inform senders
when you read messages.
Load remote images - : Set to load images included in
the email body.
Deleting options• : Select whether to delete messages
from your device or device and server.
Block emails• : Block emails from specied addresses and
Email proles• : Select a connection prole to use for
sending or receiving messages.
Keep a copy: Set whether or not to save a copy of sent
messages in the server.
Reply with body: Set whether or not to include an
original message when you reply to a message.
Forward with les: Set whether or not to include
attachments when you forward a message.
Get read report: Send a read-reply request along with
your messages to be informed when your messages
are read.
Get delivery report: Send a request for a delivery
report along with your messages to be informed when
your messages are delivered.
Add my namecard: Set whether or not to add your
namecard to your outgoing messages.
Always CC myself: Set whether or not to include your
email address to all your outgoing messages.