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3. Use the on-screen application specific functions and
options to use the Chat applications.
Messaging Settings
Define settings for messages sent and received on your phone.
1. From the Home screen, press the Left Soft Key Message.
2. Press the Left Soft Key Settings for these options:
Inbox View: Set the default message view. Choose
Time to display messages by time received, or Contact
to display messages by name or number (also known as
threaded view).
Entry Mode: Choose a default text entry mode, from
T9Word, Palabra, Abc, ABC, or 123.
Auto Save Sent: Choose the default save mode for
messages you send. Choose On to save all sent
messages, Off to discard sent messages, or Prompt to
have the phone prompt you each time.
Auto Erase Inbox: Choose On to automatically replace
the oldest message of the same type when the Inbox
exceeds the maximum number of messages of that
type. For example, when the Inbox exceeds 100 text