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HDR44 4x4 High Defi nition Video Router
5. Troubleshooting
Table 5-1 provides troubleshooting information for the HDR44.
Symptom Possible Cause Solution
No audio present in a
specifi c room
1. Source not playing. Press Play, turn ON, etc.
2. Room not selected Select Room on Touch-
pad or from IR Remote
3. Room Output volume
turned all the way down
Increase volume on
video display or AV
4. Speakers in room
miswired or defective
a. Test known good
speaker at amplifi er
b. Verify connections
No video present in a
specifi c room
1. Source not playing Press Play, turn ON, etc.
2. Room not selected Select Room from IR
3. Cabling problem Use cable tester to verify
wallplate cabling conti-
nuity and test for shorts
Hum or buzz through
system speakers
1. Ground loop Ensure proper ground-
ing using a three prong
grounded AC outlet
2. Amplifi er level too
Reduce amplifi er level
Poor audio quality 1. Clipping or distortion Reduce AV Receiver/Am-
plfi er level
2. Speakers out of phase Carefully check polarity
of each speaker
3. Incorrect assignment
of left/right source RCA
cables or speaker cables
Isolate to source or room
and correct
No video or poor video
No video signal, washed
out or fuzzy video signal
Wallplate DIP switches
confi gured incorrectly
No source control from
IR Remote controller
1. Wiring: IR signal not
reaching to controller or
Verify wiring and correct
2. Remote: Batteries
Change batteries