When the Intellivstudio starts up, video and photo thumbnails appear in the main window,
Using with a Windows compute_
If you install Intellbstudio on your PC, the program will launch more
quickly. To install the program, select "Tool" _ "install Intelli-studio
on PC".
If you install the full version of IntellPstudio software, you can use
various functions. Start the installation by clicking on "Web Support"
"Update Intelli-studio" _ "Start Update".
You can update the firmware of this product by sebcting "Web
Support" _ "Upgrade firmware for the connected device" from
the program toolbar.
The camcorder's builtdn Intelli-studio software is intended for
home use. It is not for precbion or industrial productions. For these
applications, we recommend an editing software designed for
professional use.
@ Menu items
@ Display fibs in the selected folder.
@ Switch to Photo edit mode.
@ Switch to Video edit mode.
@ Switch to Share mode.
Enlarge or reduce the thumbnails in the list.
@ Select a file type.
@ View videos and photos of the selected folder on your computer.
@ Show or hide videos and photos of the connected device.
@5 View videos and photos of the selected folder on the device.
View files as thumbnails or on a map
@ Browse folders in the connected device.
@ Browse folders stored on your computer
Move to the previous or next folder
register faces.