Using the AV SYNC function
Video may lookslower than the audio ifit isconnected with digital TV.
Ifthisoccurs, adjust the audio delay timeto match the 'video.
Press AVSYNC on the remote control of thisunit repeatedly.
= You can use +, - button to set the audio delay time between 0 ms and
300 ms.
Using the DRC function
This feature balances the rangebetween the loudest and quietest sounds.
You can use this function to enjoy Dolby Digital sound when watching
movies at low volume at night.
Press DRC on the remote control of this unit.
,, Each time the button is pressed, the selection changes as follows :
Using the DIMMER function
Press Dimmer to control the brightness of the Display.
Ifyou press and hold the DRC(DIMMER) button for over 4seconds, the
Display isdimmed and the message "DIMMER LEVEL 1" is appears on
the Display. If the button is pressed and held again, the Display is
brightened and the message "DIMMER LEVEL 2" appears on the Display.
Using the S.VOL function
This will regulateand stabilize the volume level against a drastic volume
change in case of a channel change or scene transition.
Press S.VOL on the remote control of this unit.
• Each time the button is pressed, the selection changes as follows :
Samsung may offer upgrades for the Crystal Surround
Air Track's system's firmware in the future.
Please visit Samsung.com or contact the Samsung call center at
1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) to receive information about
downloading upgrades and using a USB drive.
Upgrades will be possible by connecting a USB drive to the
USB port located on your Air Track.
Inserta USBdrive containingthe firmwareupgradeintothe USB porton the back of the main unit.
Pleasebe carefulto not disconnectthe power or removethe USBdrive while upgradesarebeingapplied.The
mainunitwillturn off automaticallyafter completingthe fi rmwareupgrade.
Whensoftware is upgraded,settingsyou havemade willreturnto their default(factory)settings.We recommend
you writedown your settingsso that youcan easilyresetthemafterthe upgrade.
Ifyoufail to upgradethe firnware,we recommendformatting the USBdata in FAT16and tryingagain.
For upgrading purposes, do not format USB data in NTFSbecause it is not a supported file system.
Depending on the manufacturer, the USB may not be supported.