Chapter 1
Introduction to the
Size and Configuration
The iDCS100 comprises a Basic Key Service Unit (KSU, Figure 1–1), Expansion cabinet, in-
terface cards and electronic keysets. The simplest KSU has eight (8) keyset ports, but this is
expandable to 18 analogue C.O. line ports, or 24 BRI lines, or 32 stations. In addition, up to
eight keyset daughterboards may be added to the system along with the optional 2SLI card.
Two types of Expansion cabinet are available: Expansion A and Expansion B. Expansion A
has three universal slots and one “DCS” slot for a PRI, TEPRI or Voice Mail card. Expansion
B has two universal slots and two “DCS” slots: the first DCS slot is for a Voice Mail card; the
second DCS slot supports a PRI or TEPRI card.
The system also has an optional MISC card which provides Music-On-Hold facilities, two se-
rial I/O ports and other useful facilities.
NOTE: For a full description of each card discussed in this section, refer to Chapter 2, Hard-
ware Descriptions.
The charts shown in Figures 1-2 and 1-3 describe possible configurations using the Basic
KSU, Expansion cabinet and interface cards. However, by using the system’s unique keyset
daughterboards (KDBs), which are installed in the base of a digital keyset, the capacity of the
system can be increased by one station per KDB. Installing a KDB-DLI adds another digital
port while a KDB-SLI adds a single line port. You can mix and match these two types of KDB
to get up to a total of eight KDBs in the system. Using this method allows the system to ex-
pand to a maximum of 64 stations. Adding the optional 2SLI card to the KSU provides a fur-
ther two SLI ports. The combination of the Basic KSU plus three expansion cards in the KSU,
plus three expansion cards and one DCS card in the Expansion A cabinet, plus eight KDBs,
plus a 2SLI card provides a maximum configuration of 96 ports plus a MISC card.
Important Points to Remember:
Only one 2SLI card can be installed in the system.
Only one MISC card can be installed in the system.
Only three expansion cards can be installed in the KSU.
An additional three expansion cards and a “DCS” card such as a PRI (TEPRI) or SVMi-8
card can be installed in an Expansion A cabinet; OR an additional two expansion cards and
two “DCS” cards can be installed in an Expansion B cabinet.
Only eight KDBs can be installed in the keysets connected to the Basic KSU.
The system can have up to 40 digital keysets if an SVMi-8 card is installed, but up to 48
digital keysets if not.