
This feature offers 64-button module support. Meaning that the associated DSS
key assigned to a 64-button module can be used to enter the room number to set
DND to.
This feature is designed to expedite the Check In procedure. It is a second check
in option. It is used expressly to check in a guest quickly.
The Express Check In feature (X-CHIN key) eliminates several steps from the stan-
dard Check In procedure. This feature does not request any billing type, or guests
name information.
This feature offers 64-button module support. Meaning that the associated DSS
key assigned to a 64-button module, can be used to enter the room number that is
being checked in.
The guest service billing feature allows a staff member, to enter an item code and
a dollar amount to a specific room bill using specific telephone stations. The dollar
amount entered at time of sale for the item code, can be multiplied by the tax rates
defined for the items or will have the tax amount added if the tax is a fixed dollar
There are 100 item codes in the system. Each item code can have a name, with up
to 10 characters, programmed to describe the charge.
This feature requires a staff code to be entered to add or delete a charge to a room.
The staff codes are assigned in the Authorization Code table. The staff code will be
verified from the table, and if an incorrect code is entered, an error tone will be
returned and the station will return to idle.
The room number will also be verified, from the list of rooms that are checked in. If
a room number is not occupied, an error tone will be returned and the station will
return to idle.
This feature can be used by either a keyset or a single line telephone with DTMF
dialing. The keyset requires a BILL key.
This feature allows a hotel operator to bill a call to a guest room even though it was
made at a remote location, such as a lobby phone. This phone can be a dial 0
type or a Hotline to the operator.
The guest will request the operator to bill an outside call to his/her room. The op-
erator will press the Remote Bill key (RB) and place the guest on transfer hold, then