Search a Telephone Number By Name
You can search any telephone number based on the registered speed dial name.
1. Dial [2] from the [Search] screen to select [2. By name].
Figure 6.7 Selecting the [By name] Menu
2. A screen that prompts you to enter a name appears. Enter the name or part of a
name (case sensitive) to search and press the [Enter] button. The speed dial
name(s) matching the entry will be displayedfrom the [PhoneBook]. If the
[Enter] button is pressed without entering any name, all speed dial names
will be displayed.
3. You can display the telephone numbers programmed or change/delete for each
speed dial name.
♦ Press the [Select] button or press [Enter] to display the telephone numbers.
♦ Press the [Menu] button to change or delete the speed dial name and, a popup
menu will appear. Dial [1] to change the speed dial name and associated
telephone number(s). Dial [2] to delete the speed dial name and associated
telephone number(s). You will be requested to confirm the deletion.
♦ Press the [Enter] button to see the saved details of the selected number. Then, a
screen that shows the information on the selected number will appear as
shown below: