3.1 <
Software overview>
3 Software overview
This chapter gives you an overview of the software that comes with your
printer. Further details about installing and using the software are
explained in the Software Section.
This chapter includes:
• Supplied software
• Printer driver features
• System requirements
Supplied software
You must install the printer software using the supplied CDs after you
have set up your printer and connected it to your computer.
Each CD provides you with the following software:
CD Contents
Windows • Printer driver: Use this driver to take
full advantage of your printer’s
• Smart Panel: This program allows
you to monitor the printer’s status and
alerts you when an error occurs during
• Printer Settings Utility: This program
is automatically installed when you
install the Smart Panel. (ML-2570, ML-
2571N only)
• PCL6 driver: Use this driver to print
documents in the PCL6, PCL5e
language. (ML-2570, ML-2571N only)
• Postscript Printer Description
(PPD) file: Use the PostScript driver to
print documents with complex fonts
and graphics in the PostScript
language. (ML-2570, ML-2571N only)
• User’s Guide in PDF
Linux • Printer driver: Use this driver to run
your printer from a Linux computer
and print documents.
• Smart Panel: This program allows
you to monitor the printer’s status and
alerts you when an error occurs during
Macintosh • Postscript Printer Description
(PPD) file: Use this file to run your
printer from a Macintosh computer
and print documents. (ML-2570, ML-
2571N only)
• Smart Panel: This program allows
you to monitor the printer’s status and
alerts you when an error occurs during
Windows • SyncThru™ Web Admin Service:
Use this web-based program to
remotely manage, monitor, and
troubleshoot network printers.
• Set IP: Use this program to set your
printer’s TCP/IP addresses.
• Network Printer User’s Guide in