
49 Chapter 3
3.14 Passwords and Settings
3.14.1 Load Setup Defaults
Choose the Load Setup Defaults selection from the initial setup screen. At
the prompt, enter Y to return system setup options to default values.
3.14.2 Set Supervisor Password
Choose the Set Supervisor Password selection from the initial setup
screen. At the ENTER PASSWORD: prompt, enter a password with up
to eight characters. Typing a password clears any previously entered pass-
word form CMOS memory. Pressing the Enter key at this prompt without
supplying a password will disable the password function. At the CON-
FIRM PASSWORD: prompt, enter the password again. Press Esc at any
time to abort the process. The system will prompt for a password accord-
ing to the Security Option value on the Avanced BIOS features menu.
3.14.3 Set User Password
Choose the Set User Password selection from the initial setup screen. At
the ENTER PASSWORD: prompt, enter a password with up to eight
characters. Typing a password clears any previously entered password
form CMOS memory. Pressing the Enter key at this prompt without sup-
plying a password will disable the password function. At the CONFIRM
PASSWORD: prompt, enter the password again. Press <Esc> at any time
to abort the process. The system will prompt for a password according to
the Security Option value on the Avanced BIOS features menu.
3.14.4 Save & Exit Setup
Choose the Save & Exit Setup selection from the initial setup screen. At
the prompt, enter Y to save the setup values to the CMOS memory of the
chipset, or enter N to abort the exit The microprocessor will retrive these
values every time you turn your system on and compare this to what it
finds as it checks the system. This record is required for the system to
3.14.5 Exit Without Saving
Choose the Exit Without Saving selection from the initial setup screen. At
the prompt, enter Y to exit without saving new setup values to CMOS
memory, or enter N to abort the exit.