Messaging 70
Checking your Voicemail
New voice messages in your voice mailbox are logged in the
Voicemail folder of the Messages menu. Open the Voicemail
folder to view the Callback # (if available), Urgency, and other
details of new voicemail messages.
1. In standby mode, touch the
soft key, then touch and
hold until you’re connected to your Wireless Carrier’s
voicemail system. A recorded message prompts you for a
2. Enter your password, then follow the recorded prompts, to
listen to your voice message(s), change administrative
options, and so on.
You can also access your voice mail by selecting an entry in the
Voicemail folder.
Erasing Messages
You can erase all of the messages in each/all of your message
folders from one convenient location.
This function erases all messages in a selected message folder or in
all message folders. To delete a single message, from the
menu, select the message folder where the message to be deleted is
stored, then touch the
soft key, select the message in the list,
and touch the
soft key again.
1. In standby mode, touch the
soft key, then touch
Erase Messages
. The following options appear in the
• Inbox
— Lets you delete all messages from your Inbox.
• Outbox
— Lets you delete all messages from your Outbox.
• Drafts
— Lets you delete all draft messages from the Drafts folder.
• All Messages
— Lets you delete all messages from all message
2. Select the folder(s) containing the messages that you wish
to delete. You are prompted to confirm the erasure of all
messages in the folder(s).
3. To cancel deleting any messages, touch the
soft key. To
delete all messages from the selected folder, touch the
soft key.