4-2-13. If Water is not supplied
Checking method of Valve resistance (Must
power off for checking)
Resistance can be changed by input voltage.
CN70#1 (Red) CN73#5 (White-black)
- resistance value ; 388(1.6k)Ohm 7%)
** 0: Short trouble / : Open trouble
Is the confirming sound of
the valve operation heard
when dispenser switch
Is the valve unit normal?
Is the voltage of PCB IC01
MICOM #15 changed 0V~5V
according to switch On/Off?
Does Main PCB IC73 #3
have about 5V input?
Does Main PCB IC73 #14
have about 0.7V output?
Is the contact point of main
PCB RELAY RY7A normal?
MAIN PCB normal
-- Need to check the other parts
Check the wire between water valve
Ice water valve itself has trouble or bad
contact of connector
Check the connection hose
Check the operation between Panel PCB
and MAIN PCB for Communication.
Normal(Check Ice
water valve hose)
Replace Valve
Check soldering
short/Replace PCB
Check soldering
short/Replace PCB
Check soldering
short/Replace PCB
1) Check the dispensing
2) Check switch unit/ wiring
3) Replace PCB
typical PCB Ground CN1#3(Black)
Checking method of voltage
Based on PCB typical Ground CN1#3(Black)
1) Check voltage of IC73# (same voltage as
- Water valve operating (about 5V0.5V)
Based on PCB typical Ground CN1#3(Black)
2) IC73 #14 voltage
- Water valve operating (about 0.7V0.5V)
3) Check the voltage of Water Valve operating
(AC voltage)
=> For checking the Relay RY7A operating.
CN70#1(Red) CN73#5(White-black)
- ICE Water valve waiting (about AC 0V)
- ICE Water valve operating (about AC 110(230)V 20%)