174 3C. Entertainment: TV and Music
Ⅲ All Channels displays a list of all currently available
Ⅲ Live displays a mobile guide listing of currently
available real-time streaming channels.
Ⅲ On Demand displays a list of currently available
channels (pre-recorded).
Ⅲ More... displays Shop, Subscriptions, Settings, and
Help menus.
3. Depending on your settings, you may be asked to
accept a data connection.
4. Scroll through the channel listings within your
selected category and touch a channel name to
launch the stream.
Ⅲ Touch to view additional information about a
Ⅲ Touch Add to Favorites to bookmark this channel.
5. Touch a channel from the Sprint TV listings to
begin streaming it to your device.
Sprint TV FAQs
1. Will I know if I’m receiving an incoming call while I’m
viewing or listening to a media clip?
Yes. Any incoming call can be received while you
are playing a clip. If the call is ignored, and the
caller leaves a voicemail, the voicemail icon will be
displayed on the screen once you exit from Sprint
TV. The voicemail icon is not displayed on the
screen during the viewing of Sprint TV.
If you don't own a channel, the first time you access
it, you will be prompted to purchase access (unless
the channel doesn't have a monthly fee). Touch
Subscribe to purchase access, or select Preview to
view a preview of the selected channel.
While you are playing a clip, you can press to
stop the current video and return to the main menu
where you can select a different channel. Scroll
through the listing of available channels and once
you find a channel you would like to watch or listen
to, touch the clip’s name to begin playback. (Wait
approximately three seconds for the channel to load
and begin playing.)
M800Mini.book Page 174 Thursday, September 17, 2009 1:36 PM