3. Use your fingers to scroll across the available Samsung
Hub screen. You can select
Combined view
Video, Books, and Games),
, or
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to browse, view, or
purchase media.
5. Press ➔
for additional information.
Samsung Link
This application wirelessly synchronizes your Samsung
mobile phone with your TV, streams content and even keeps
tabs on who calls or sends text messages with real-time,
on-screen monitoring. Samsung’s Samsung Link makes
staying connected easy.
Allows users to share their in-device media content with
other external devices using DLNA certified™ (Digital Living
Network Alliance) Devices. These external devices must also
be DLNA-compliant. Wi-Fi capability can be provided to TVs
via a digital multimedia streamer.
AllShare/Samsung Link Definitions:
Samsung Link/
AllShare Play
This new feature builds on the
previous AllShare Play functionality. It
includes features such as Web storage
integration and social networking
integration. This is a Web service
that requires using a Samsung account.
Group Play
A subset feature of Samsung Link, this
allows you to mirror photos and
multimedia presentations with other
members of your current Wi-Fi
group. Users must be on the same
Wi-Fi and provide an access code to
join the group.
AllShare Cast
(with Hub
This feature functions with an
external AllShareCast Hub to fully
mirror what is currently displayed on
your device to the external TV.