Item Function Page
FI with S lens used
Sets to enable focus indicator when screw mount lens is
in use. Lens is recognized even when lens is not attached
to the camera when enabled.
Using aperture ring
Sets to enable shutter release when lens aperture ring is set
at other than A.
Release when Chrging
Use to release shutter while the built-in flash is charging. p.146
Instant Review Dsply Use to display histogram during Instant Review. p.165
Sets the initial magnification of the zoom playback.
Mag to Strt Zm Plybk Choose from [1.2 times], [2 times], [4 times], [8 times] and -
[12 times]. The default setting is [1.2 times].
Use to meter entire screen or Spot area when setting
white balance to manual.
Colour Space Sets the colour space to use. p.115
Reset Custom Fnction
Resets all the settings in the Custom Function menu
to the defaults.
Using the Menu
Man. WB Measurement
*1 : When the screw mount lens is in use, [Fl with S lens used] menu is available.
*2 : When a lens that has aperture ring is in use, [Using aperture ring] menu is available.