
Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 104
New Features
Natural one-step commands - Instead of a series of single
commands, you can now issue single voice commands to
accomplish a variety of complex tasks.
For example:
"Call John Mobile": Dials the mobile number stored for the
contact entry "John."
"Call Maria Work": Dials the work number stored for the
contact entry Maria.
"Call 781-970-5200": Dials the specified number.
One-step voice access to text messaging - The "Send Text"
command lets you use a single voice command to launch the
phone's text messaging client and specify a recipient.
For example:
"Send Text to John": Opens the text message client and
addresses the message to the mobile number of the contact
entry John.
"One-step access to applications and menus: You can
access applications and common menus by saying "Go To"
followed by the application or menu name. For example:
"Go To Calendar": Launches the "Calendar" application.
"Go To Downloads": Displays the "Downloads" menu.
"Voice commands for checking phone status - With a single
command, you can have the phone play back and display its
phone number, the current signal strength, network coverage,
battery level, or all of the above.
For example:
"Check Battery": Instructs the phone to report its current
battery strength.
"Check Status": Instructs the phone to report all status