Using the Long Mount Bands
While the Sports Camcorder is inside your carrying case or backpack, you can attach the External Camera Module mounted on
the Rubber Mount with help of the Long Mount Bands.
Using the External Camera Module :
Wearing the External Camera Module
1. Run the strap of Long Mount Band through both of the slots on
the rubber mount as illustrated.
You can use both the short part and long part of Rubber Mount as slots.
2. Run the strap through the buckle to adjust the tightness.
3. Fasten the strap.
[ Notes ]
✤ Dropping the External Camera Module or bumping it to other objects may
cause device failure. When using the device, you must attach it to the rubber
mount, and be careful not to drop or strike it.
✤ Direct contact of the Rubber Mount with your skin for a long period of time may
cause skin irritation or allergy. Avoid long term contact.
Rubber Mount