Section 2
Appears when you set the Alert Type to Vibration+Melody.
Appears when Mute mode is active. For details, see
"Switching Off the Microphone (Mute)" on page 46.
Shows the level of your battery. The more bars you see,
the more power you have remaining.
Indicates that a Bluetooth device is connected.
Appears when connected to Yahoo IM.
Appears when Quiet Mode, Vibration All is active.
Appears when Quiet Mode, Silent All is active.
Appears when speakerphone is active.
Note: The IM icon changes according to the IM provider.
Selecting Functions and Options
Your phone offers a set of functions that can be
customized for your ease and specific needs. These
functions are arranged in menus and sub-menus,
accessed using the two soft keys. Each menu and sub-
menu allows you to view and alter the settings of a
particular function.