July 23, 2001 SGH-N1 05 101
Chapter 5 Organizer
This option allows you to use your phone as a
calculator to figure out simple mathematical
problems. The calculator performs 9 digit
computations. It supports addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and percentages.
To use the calculator:
1. Press the “Menu” softkey.
2. Press “6” for “Organizer”.
3. Press “3” for “Calculator”.
4. Enter the first number of the equation.
5. Press the “Operator” softkey until the desired
mathematical symbol is displayed.
6. Enter the second number. (Press the
“Operator” softkey again if more numbers are
being used).
7. Press the “Equal” softkey to display the results
of the equation.
Note: To fix a mistake or clear the display, press
the Clear button. To use a decimal point, press the
“#” key.