ESC % n
[Name] Select/Cancel user-defined character set.
[Format] ASCII ESC % n
Hex 1B 25 n
Decimal 27 37 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Description] Selects or cancels the user-defined character set.
When the Least Significant Bit(LSB) is 0, the user-defined
character set is canceled and the internal character set
is enabled.
When the LSB is 1, the user-defined character set is selected.
• The user-defined character and the downloaded bit image cannot be defined
[Default] n=0
ESC & y c1 c2 [x1 d1... d(y
x1)]... [xk d1... d(yx
[Name] Define user-defined characters.
[Format] ASCII ESC & n y c1 c2 [x1 d1... d(y × x1)]...[xk d1... d(yx × xk)]
Hex 1B 26 n y c1 c2 [x1 d1... d(y × x1)]...[xk d1... d(yx × xk)]
Decimal 27 38 n y c1 c2 [x1 d1... d(y × x1)]...[xk d1... d(yx × xk)]
[Range] y=2, 32 ≤ c1 ≤ c2 ≤ 126
0 ≤ x ≤ 12 (9 × 9 font)
0 ≤ x ≤ 9 (7 × 9 font)
0 ≤ d1 ... d(y × x) ≤ 255
[Description] Defines user-defined characters.
¡Ü y specifies the number of bytes in the vertical direction
¡Ü c1 specifies the beginning character code for the definition, and c2
specifies the final code. For only one character, use c1 = c2.
¡Ü The allowable character code range is from decimal code 32 to 126.
The maximum number of user-define character is 95.
¡Ü x specifies the number of dots in the horizontal direction.
¡Ü d is the dot data for the characters. The dot pattern is on the horizontal
direction from the left side. Any remaining dots on right side are blank.
¡Ü The number of bytes required to download a character definition for one
character is “y” x “x”.
¡Ü In the definition data, a “1” represents a dot that is to be printed, and a
“0” represents a dot that is not to be printed.
¡Ü Independent downloaded character definitions are possible for each
font. The font is selected characters are cleared in the following
1. When “ESC @” is executed
2. When deleted by “ESC ?”
3. When printer is reset or turned off