PPiiccttBBrriiddggee PPiiccttBBrriiddggee
USB PictBridge
11.. UUSSBB MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo
PPiiccttBBrriiddggee 00
22.. 00
33.. PPiiccttBBrriiddggee 00
44.. [[PPOOWWEERR]] MMiinniikkeett
◆ USB Connect
USB Cable!0
55.. [[SShhoorrttccuutt 22]] //
◆ [Shortcut 2]
Off< >-Date < >-Time < >-
Date&Time< > 0
66.. [[SShhoorrttccuutt 33]] [[SShhoorrttccuutt 44]]
◆ 1~99
◆ 99 [Shortcut 3]
◆ 1 [Shortcut 4]
77.. [[SShhoorrttccuutt 11]] 00
◆ [Shortcut 1] 0
88.. 00
✤ PictBridge 0
✤ 0 [MENU]
✤ 0
✤ 0
✤ 0
PictBridge Mode: Printing with PictBridge
With the provided USB cable and a PictBridge-supporting printer, you
can print your photo images directly without connecting to a PC.
1. Connect the Miniket photo and the
PictBridge supporting printer with a USB
2. Turn on the printer.
3. Turn the Mode Dial to PictBridge mode.
4. Press the [POWER] button to turn on the
Miniket Photo.
◆ If the USB connection is not made, the
message “Connect USB Cable!”
5. Press the [Shortcut 2] button to set the
date / time imprint option.
◆ Each press of the [Shortcut 2] button cycles
through Off< >-Date < >-Time < >-
Date&Time< >.
6. [Shortcut 3] button will increase the number of
copies, while the [Shortcut 4] button will decrease
the number of copies.
◆ Range of possibilities: 1 ~ 99
◆ Pressing the [Shortcut 3] button on 99 will set to 1.
◆ Pressing the [Shortcut 4] button on 1 will set to 99.
7. Press the [Shortcut 1] button to begin printing.
◆ To cancel printing, press the [Shortcut 1] button again.
8. When finished, disconnect the USB Cable.
[ Warning ]
✤ This function works only with printers that support PictBridge.
[ Notes ]
✤ Number of copies and imprint options can be set in the menu.
Press the [MENU] button to access the function.
✤ For printing information, refer to the User's manual of the printer.
✤ Depending on the printer, printing failure may occur. In this
case,download JPEG files directly to the PC and print them.
✤ Depending on the printer, date and time imprint option may not be
supported. In this case, date and time menu will not be displayed.
Printing with PictBridge