Message Services and Voicemail
Overview of Message Services and Voicemail
Your Sprint PCS Phone
receives voicemail notification, text
messages and numeric pages. When the phone receives a
message, an alert sounds, and a text notification displays
(“New Voicemail”, “New Text”, or “New Page”). “Urgent!”
displays to signal an incoming urgent message. The VoiceMail
Message Indicator ( ) remains on the screen until you
reset the messages or listen to all new messages. The Text
Message Indicator ( ) remains on the screen until you
review the messages.
When message memory reaches 75 percent capacity, the
screen displays a text notification and a prompt to erase old
messages. At 100 percent capacity, the screen displays a text
notification and rejects additional incoming messages until
you erase some of the stored messages.
The phone automatically adjusts the incoming message alert
volume to the lowest setting when the phone is in
Conversation mode.
Incoming voicemail notification and text messages transmit
even when the phone is in Lock mode. To access a message
or to return a call other than an emergency or special
number, enter the lock code.
If KeyGuard is active, press , to unlock the
To select a unique ring type for incoming voicemail and text
messages and pages, see “Ringer / Alert Options” on page 30.