3G Mobile Hotspot
Use 3G Mobile Hotspot to share your device’s 3G internet
connection with up to 5 other devices that connect to your device
via Wi-Fi.
For more information about using your device as a mobile
hotspot, see “3G Mobile Hotspot” on page 76.
To use 3G Mobile hotspot, you need the 3G Mobile Hotspot feature
from Verizon Wireless. Contact Verizon Wireless for more information.
3G Mobile Hotspot consumes battery power and uses data service.
While the 3G Mobile hotspot is active, your device’s applications will
use the 3G Mobile hotspot data feature allowance.
Turning 3G Mobile Hotspot On or Off
Using your device as a mobile hotspot consumes battery power and
increases your data usage. Roaming while using your device as a
mobile hotspot will incur extra data charges.
1. From a Home screen, press the
Menu Key
Wireless and network
3G Mobile Hotspot
2. Touch
3G Mobile Hotspot
to turn Mobile hotspot On or Off,
then follow the prompts to complete the process. When on,
a check appears in the checkbox.
3G Mobile Hotspot settings
1. From a Home screen, press the
Menu Key
Wireless and network
3G Mobile Hotspot
2. Touch
3G Mobile Hotspot
for these settings:
• Network SSID
: The default name for your device is displayed.
Touch to enter a new name for your hotspot, if desired.
• Security
: Choose a security level for your hotspot, from Open or
• Password
: When Security is set to WPA2 PSK, touch to require a
password to access your device as a hotspot, and set a password.
When enabled, a checkmark appears in the check box.
• Show password
: When enabled, your password appears in the
Password field.
• Hide my device
: Touch to hide your device from other devices
searching for a hotspot. When enabled, a check appears in the
check box.
By default, your device’s Mobile hotspot password is your device
number. To change the password, touch Password, then enter a new