Section 10
Current Appointments
To view the next upcoming appointment and battery
indicator without launching the calendar or today screen:
1. Tap the time in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. The Time and Next Appointment screen is displayed.
Bluetooth Status
The Bluetooth Status indicators on the Today screen let
you know if Bluetooth is turned on. The profile icons
indicate when one of the Bluetooth connections is active.
When Bluetooth is Off the Bluetooth icon is grayed out.
For more information about the Bluetooth connections,
see "Section 12: Bluetooth® Services" on page 159.
If you tap the Bluetooth icon, the icon appears blue and
On displays next to the profile icons. When a profile is
active, its icon is highlighted, which indicates that data is
being exchanged between your phone and another
Bluetooth device.
The calendar allows you to create appointments and
reminders for the day, week, month, or year.
Schedule an Appointment
An entry in the calendar is called an appointment or
reminder. When you schedule an entry, a description is
displayed on the time line, and the duration is set to 1 hour
by default. You can easily change the start time and
duration for any event. You can schedule the following
types of events in the calendar: