
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
Charging the Battery
The travel adaptor allows you to charge your phone’s
battery from any 220 volt AC standard wall outlet. Also,
using the travel adaptor allows you to make a phone call
while the battery is charging. The travel adaptor will
fully charge an “empty” standard battery in
approximately 3 hours.
Follow these steps:
1. With the battery in position in the phone, attach the
cord from the travel adaptor by plugging it into the
adaptor outlet at the bottom of the phone.
2. Connect the adaptor to a wall outlet. The battery will
begin charging immediately, and the service light will
light and remain red while the battery icon animates.
3. The service light indicates the status of the battery
being charged.
•Red:the battery is charging.
•Green:the battery is fully charged.
•Yellow:the battery is not plugged in correctly or
operating at a temperature that is too high or
too low. Please check the adaptor and/or
When charging is finished (The light turns green),
disconnect the adaptor from the power outlet and
from the phone.
Note: You can make a call at your convenience when
the phone is plugged into the adaptor. The adaptor
will continue to charge the battery even when you are
making the call
Low Battery Indicator
You can easily tell if your battery needs to be recharged
by checking the battery strength indicator in the
upper-right corner of your phone’s display. The presence
of all three bars indicates a full charge, two bars
indicates a smaller charge, and one bar indicates an
even smaller charge. No bars (the battery icon is empty)
means your battery must be charged.
When the battery charge level gets low, the battery
sensor blinks an empty battery icon ( ), sounds a
tone. If the battery level gets too low, the phone will
turn off automatically. Unfortunately, if this happens
you’ll lose whatever you are doing, including dropping
your call. Watch the battery strength icon and make sure
your battery is adequately charged.