Messaging 85
Erase Messages
Listen to Voicemail Later
If you have chosen to review your voicemail messages at a later time:
1. In standby mode, press the Messages (up navigation) key ( ), then
press for Voicemail. The Voicemail screen appears in the display,
showing the number of new voicemail messages received and the date
and time the latest message was received.
2. Press the key or the key to call your voice mailbox and listen to
the message.
Note: You can also press and hold to dial your voice mailbox.
Erase Messages
You can erase all of the messages in each your boxes from one convenient location.
Note: This function erases all messages in the selected box. To delete a single message, open the box from
the Messages menu, then delete the message from the Options menu while viewing the message
1. In standby mode, press the Messages (up navigation) key ( ), then
press for Erase Messages. The following options appear in the
• Inbox — Deletes all unlocked messages stored in the Inbox.
• Outbox — Deletes all unlocked messages stored in the Outbox.
• Drafts — Deletes all unlocked messages stored in the Drafts box.
• All Messages — Deletes all unlocked messages stored in all of the message
boxes, except Voicemail.
2. Use the navigation keys to highlight the box containing the messages that
you wish to delete.
3. Press the key. You’re prompted to confirm the erasure of all messages
in the selected box or in all boxes.
4. Press the Yes (left) soft key ( ) to delete the messages. Press the No
(right) soft key ( ) cancel deleting the messages.
Message Settings
Use the Msg Settings sub-menus to define settings for general, text, and picture