Important!: Because of various transmission methods, network parameters, and user settings necessary
to complete a call from your wireless phone, a connection cannot always be guaranteed.
Therefore, emergency calling may not be available on all wireless networks at all times.
Important!: DO NOT depend on this phone as a primary method of calling 911 or for any other essential or
emergency communications.
Dialing International Numbers
Call Another Country — Manual Method
In standby mode, enter 011 (the three-digit exit code for the United States).
2. Enter the country code for the country that you are calling.
3. Enter the number that you wish to call, then press the key.
Note: Puerto Rico and Canada are on the North American dialing plan. Making calls to Puerto Rico and
Canada is similar to making calls within the United States, no unique country codes are necessary.
Call Another Country — Shortcut Method
In standby mode, press and hold the key
until a plus sign (+) appears in the display.
Note: When you press the key, your phone automatically replaces
this + with 011, the three-digit exit code for the United States.
2. Enter the country code for the country that you
are calling, or press and hold the key until
a second plus sign (+) appears in the display.
Tip: If you place most or all of your international calls to numbers in the
same country, set-up the International Dialing shortcut to dial that
country’s code for you. (For more information, see “International
Dialing” on page 147)
Note: When you press the key, your phone automatically replaces
the second + with the two-digit country code you have selected
for the International Dialing shortcut.
3. Enter the number that you wish to call, then
press the key.