
Mobile Entertainment
Register for a FREE Online Album account using
My V
erizon registration
1. G
o to the Sign In section and click the Register link.
2. E
nter your mobile number without spaces or dashes
and click the Continue button.
3. E
nter your desired user name, valid email address
and address details. Click the check box if you would
like to receive Verizon Wireless email promotions.
Read the Terms and Conditions and click the I accept
the Terms and Conditions check box and click the
Continue button. A t
emporary password will be sent
as a free text message to your phone.
4. E
nter your temporary password and desired new
password in the appropriate elds. Select a security
question and type in the answer in the appropriate
eld and click the Continue button. You will receive
a free text message and email conrming your new
account has been created.
Upload pictures and videos to Online Album from
your PC
1. C
lick on the Upload Media tab.
2. C
lick on the Browse for Media link. A pop-up
window will open with a view of your PC’s folders.
In th
e window, navigate to the folder on your PC
that has your media.
3. C
lick, hold and drag up to 5 les from the window to
upload them to the web page.
4. C
lick on the Upload button. The les will be
uploaded to your PIX Place galleries.
Compose and send a message from your online album
1. C
lick on the Send a Message tab, and under the
section called Media Items You Want, click on the
gray arrows found under Look Inside and View
to s
ee the galleries available.
2. T
he gallery contains media with dierent topics.
Just c
lick on the gray arrow to see subfolders.