91 _Machine status and advanced setup
(Password and login ID are grayed out in SWS).
Simple: This is used to bind with the login ID and password in SWS.
11. Check the box next to Append Root to Base DN.
12. Select Match User’s Login ID to the following LDAP attribute
(options are CN, UID, or UserPrincipalName).
13. Enter your login name, password, maximum number of search
results, and search timeout.
14. Select Search Name Order.
15. Check the box next to "From:" Field Security Options.
16. Click on Apply.
User Accounting Method
Enabling Acccounting Method
1. Enter your machine’s IP address as the URL in a browser and click
Go to access the SyncThru™ Web Service of your machine.
2. Log in to the SyncThru™ Web Service as an administrator. (See
"Managing your machine from the website" on page 99.)
3. Select Security > User Access Control > Accounting >
Accounting Method.
4. Select Standard Accounting.
5. Click on the Apply button.
Standard acccounting List
1. Enter your machine’s IP address as the URL in a browser and click
Go to access the SyncThru™ Web Service of your machine.
2. Log in to the SyncThru™ Web Service as an administrator. (See
"Managing your machine from the website" on page 99.)
3. Select Security > User Access Control > Accounting > Standard
Accounting List.
4. Select Standard Accounting.
5. Click on the Apply button.
Change Admin. Password
You can change the password for the Admin Setting authentication.
Information Hiding
When you want to add the optional features for this machine, you have to
install the optional kit and then set the machine to enable and activate those
features. Follow the next steps to enable those features.
LDAP Referral: LDAP client will search the referral server if the
LDAP server has no data to reply to the query and if the LDAP
server has a referral server.
This option is only provided if you have selected the Network
authentication option in the user authentication setting. You may
check this option if you want to search for information in a default
email address group.
If you want to allow users to login only with ID, then check
Authenticate with Login ID only.
You can add users to the accounting list by clicking on the Add
button. Enter a user’s ID, password and assign job limitation to
the user.
Job Log You can enable (or disable) job log to record job
processing results. You can print the records in
Machine Setup > Admin Setting > Print/Report tab
> Job Log Report.
Operation Log You can enable (or disable) operation log to record
various operations such as formatting the system,
creating document box, deleting file, etc. You can
print the records in Machine Setup > Admin Setting
> Print/Report tab > Operation Log Report.
Security Event
You can enable or disable security event log to record
history such as user authentication, software
upgrading, access log, exporting or importing data,
etc. You can print the records in Machine Setup >
Admin Setting > Print/Report tab > Security Event
Log Report.
Hiding Level
Show All
All information in Job Status is
displayed to all users.
Show Non-
Non-secured information in Job
Status is displayed to all users.
The secured information, such as
secured received fax list or
secured print list, will be displayed
only to the owner.
Show Own
All information in Job Status is
displayed to the owner.
Hiding Method
Char Counts Of
Instead of the job name and
owner's name in Job Status, you
can see a sequence of asterisks
(*) characters.
Fixed Counts
Except First
The job name and owner’s name
in Job Status display as many as
entered number of asterisks (*)
except the first character.
Fixed Counts The job name and owner’s name
in Job Status display as many as
entered number of asterisks (*).