
Call Records
Call Cost and Duration Menu 2-5
This network feature lets you view the cost of calls.
The following options are available.
Last Call: allows you to check or reset the cost and
duration of the last call made.
All Calls: allows you to check or reset the cost and
duration of all calls made. If you select the Reset
option, you must enter your PIN2.
Maximum Cost: allows you to check or change the
maximum limit for the cost of calls. If you select the
Change option, you must enter your PIN2.
Price and Unit: allows you to set the cost of one
unit; this price per unit is applied when calculating
the cost of your calls. If you select the Change
option, you must enter your PIN2.
N o t e : Not all SIM c a rds support the call cost feature .
The number of items in these lists depends on
the capacity of your SIM card .