♦Play: Plays the currently selected ring tune.
♦Set as: Lets you set the selected ring tune as your Ring Tune, a Caller
Ring Tune or Alarm Tone.
Record Audio
Record Audio allows you to record audio clips such as voice memos and
send audio clips to other people.
To create an audio recording:
1. From the Idle screen, press [ ] and select Media
→ Ring Tunes
→Record Audio.
2. To begin recording, press [ ].
3. To pause the recording, press [ ]. To save the file press <Save>.
4. To play back the recording, press [ ].
Using Record Audio Options
Before recording, you can access various options by pressing <Options>.
To execute an option, select it and press <Select> or [ ]. The following
options are available:
♦Record: Immediately begins recording an audio clip.
♦Go to Recorded Audio: Takes you to the Recorded Audio folder where
recorded audio clips are stored.
♦Settings: Allows you to select the maximum Recording Time (1 Hour or
Limit for Multimedia Message), Volume and Default Name for recorded
After saving a recorded file you can access various options by pressing
<Options>. To execute an option, highlight it and press <Select> or [ ].
The following options are available:
♦Send via Multimedia Message: Lets you send the selected file to a
recipient in a picture message.