
PPhhoonneebbooookk PPhhoonneebbooookk
Searching for and Dialling a Number in
the Phonebook
1. When the idle screen is displayed, press the Name
soft key. You are asked to enter a name.
2. Enter the start of the name that you wish to find
and press the Search soft key.
Note: You can also scroll through the phonebook
from the beginning, by pressing the Search
soft key directly.
The phonebook entries are listed, starting with the
first entry matching your input. This entry is also
3. To... Then press the...
View the View soft key.
highlighted entry
Select a or key one or more
different entry times until the required entry
is highlighted.
Look for a name Key labelled with the required
starting with a letter.
different letter
4. Once you have found the required entry, press
the key to dial the number.
Phonebook Options
When storing or viewing a number in the phonebook,
Options appears above the left soft key to allow you
to access the phonebook options, described in the
following paragraphs.
Accessing the Options
To access the various phonebook options, proceed as
1. Press the Options soft key. The first available
option is highlighted.
2. To... Then press the...
Select the Select soft key or key.
highlighted option
Highlight a or key one or more
different option times until the required option
is highlighted.
This option allows you to paste the phonebook number
into the normal dialling mode. Use this option to dial a
number similar to one in the phonebook (a different
extension in the same office for example).
Use the C key to change the number as required (refer
to page 24 for further details). When you are ready to
dial, press the key.