Understanding Your Phone 18
Display Layout
Note: The default phone profile is Normal, the profile is editable and the displayed icons may vary
according to the setting.
Appears after your memory card has been inserted.
Appears when Bluetooth wireless technology is active. When
transferring data, this icon blinks red and blue.
Appears when a Bluetooth wireless headset is active and in use.
Appears when you are connected to a PC via a USB port.
Appears when the phone’s profile is set to Silent. In this case, the
speaker is muted and the phone only vibrates and displays information
on its LCD. This Vibrate off icon is accompanied on screen by the Vibrate
Appears when the phone’s profile is set to Driving. In this case, the
speaker is active. In this case, the speaker is active and will launch the
currently selected ringtone or melody when the associated notification
is activated. This icon is accompanied on screen by the Audio icon.
Appears when the phone’s profile is set to Outdoor. In this case, the
speaker is active, the volume settings are raised to their highest levels,
any currently active ringtones or melodies are activated, and the
phone’s vibrate feature is activated.
Appears when the phone’s profile is set to Airplane. This indicates that
incoming calls and messages are sent to an automated message
center, and the phone is set to mute the speakers and keys. The phone
can be used to play music or play games, or use some of the other tools.
Shows the level of your battery. The more bars you see, the more power
you have remaining.