Section 11
Unavailable: This icon indicates the contact is unavailable
to receive PTT calls, because the contact has been logged
off, is in the power-off state, or it is out of coverage.
Do Not Disturb: This icon should let the User know this
person has set themselves to Do Not Disturb and will not
receive a PTT call.
Available/Silent or Vibrate: This icon should let the User
know this person has set their device to silent or vibrate.
They can receive calls but will be given the option to
accept/reject a PTT call.
Invitation in Progress: This icon should let the User know
the invitation to this person for addition to the PTT Contact
List is in progress. A call can not be placed to the person
until the invite completes and the icon changes to
Group Available: This icon will only display next to a
group and lets the User know that at least one person in
the group is logged into the PTT application and can
receive a call.
Group Unavailable: This icon will only display next to a
group and lets the User know that everyone in the group is
unavailable either because they have logged out of the
service, or powered off their handsets.
Group Do Not Disturb: This icon will only display next to a
group and lets the User know that everyone in the group
has set their PTT service to Do Not Disturb.