Owner Information
Owner Information is where you can store information on the
owner or user of the device. Name, Company, Address,
Telephone, E-mail, and Notes information fields are available.
1. From the
screen, press the
key ( ) to
activate the Start menu.
2. Select
Owner Information
( ). The Owner Information screen displays.
3. Select each field to activate it, then enter your information
into the respective fields.
4. Select the
tab and enter any personal notes
applicable to the owner.
5. Select the
tab and configure whether you would
like to display the
Identification information
the phone is active.
6. Press or select to save your information and
return to the previous screen.
The calendar allows you to create appointments and reminders
for the day, week, month, or year.
Appointments and Events
An entry in the calendar is called an appointment or reminder.
When you schedule an entry, a description displays on the time
line, and the duration is set to 15 minutes by default. You can
easily change the start time and duration for any event. You can
schedule the following types of events in the calendar:
Timed appointments, such as birthdays and meetings, which have a
specific date, start, and end time.
Untimed reminders, such as holidays, and anniversaries. These occur
on a particular date but have no specific start or end times; they
appear at the top of the list of times in a shaded area. You can
schedule more than one untimed event on the same date.
Repeating appointments, such as a weekly meeting that is held on the
same day at the same time each week.
Continuous appointments, such as a vacation or three-day conference.
All day events, which reflect the default length of the day as set by the
Scheduling an Appointment
You can schedule timed appointments for the current date or for
future dates.
To schedule a timed appointment for the current date:
1. From the
screen, press the
key ( ) to
activate the Start menu.