O r g a n i s e r
O r g a n i s e r
World Time Menu 6-4
You can use your phone to check the current time in
21 major cities around the world. Scroll through the
cities using the or key.
The screen shows the:
• City name
• Current date and time
• Time difference between the selected city and
your city if you have set the local time (see below
for further details) or GMT (by default)
To select the time zone in which you are located,
proceed as follows.
1. Select the city corresponding to your time zone by
pressing the or keys one or more
The local date and time are displayed.
2. Press the Set soft key.
3. To... Then press the...
Update the current Set Local soft key.
date/time with this
new setting
Indicate that the Set DST soft key.
time zone is currently A check mark is shown
using the daylight next to the time
saving time difference.
Indicate that the Remove DST soft key
time zone is no longer (only available when a
using the daylight check mark is shown
saving time next to the time
Expression Key Sequence Result
12*3+5= 12x3+5 (or ) 41
34+57= 34+57 (or ) 91
45+57= 45 (or ) 102
48-23= 48-23 (or ) 25
14-23= 14 (or ) -9
68*25= 68x25 (or ) 1700
68*40= 40 (or ) 2720
35/14= 35/14 (or ) 2.5
98/14= 98 (or ) 7
10% of 200 200x10 20
10=? % of 100 10/100 10
10% premium of 200 200+10 220
10% discount of 200 200-10 180
square of 4 4x (or ) 16
reciprocal of 8 8/ (or ) 0.12
N o t e : When you have finished with the calculator,
press to return to the previous menu level.