Additional Services
3. Setting the Ring Ty p e
To distinguish between incoming calls on the two
lines, you can select a different ring tone for each line
with the Ring Tone menu option (3-1). See page 70
for further details.
4. Setting Call Diverting Options
You can set up call diverting options for each line, via
the Call Diverting menu option (4 - 2 - 1 ). This serv i c e
enables you to divert calls received on a given line to
the number specified. See page 82 for further details.
Additional Services
ALS (Alternate Line Serv i c e )
N o t e : Please contact your service provider to check
the availability of this feature and how to
subscribe to it.
The ALS feature enables two lines to be associated
with one SIM card. Consequently, you can make and
receive calls on either line as required. If you
subscribe to this network service, a few additional
menu options enable you to set up this feature.
1. Selecting a Line
With the Active Line menu option (4-1-
), you can
set a line to be used automatically when you make a
call or you can select the line manually for each call.
For further details, refer to page 81.
2. Editing the Line Name
You can edit the name of each line via the Own
Number menu option (4-1-2).
When you edit the name of a line, the name is
displayed, whenever necessary, instead of “Line 1” or
“Line 2”. For further details, refer to page 77.