Operation settings
Operation settings provide access to Swype operation
• Display Trace
: sets the length of time the word trace line remains
on-screen as you swipe across the screen. Move the slider
between Shorter or Longer and touch OK.
• Word Choice Window
: sets the amount of times the word choice
selection window displays on screen. Move the slider between
Never or Always and touch OK.
• Speed vs. Accuracy
: sets how quickly Swype responds to
on-screen input. Move the slider between Fast Response (speed) or
Error Tolerant (accuracy) and touch OK.
• Auto -select word after
: sets the time period that must pass
before the first word automatically inserts. Move the slider between
3 secs or 20 secs and touch OK.
This menu provides help and a tutorial to guide you through the
Swype Help
: displays Swype Help information.
Tutori al
: provides an on-screen tutorial.
The about menu provides the current software version for the
Swype application.
Using the Samsung Portrait Keypad or QWERTY
The keyboard displays in three formats: Portrait QWERTY, Portrait
(upright 3x4) is a keypad, and Landscape QWERTY keyboard.
Depending on which format you are using, the keys are
associated with different letters and/or characters. Refer to the
following layouts to determine which keys are associated with
letters, characters, or symbols.
The Samsung Keyboard
This device has a built-in, QWERTY keypad (portrait mode) or
keyboard (landscape mode). Using the QWERTY keypad/
keyboard, you can type letter, numbers, punctuation, and other
The default setting on the phone is Swype, however, you can
modify the settings to use the Samsung keypad.
To use the Samsung keypad you must first configure the settings
to default to the Samsung keypad.
1. From the Home screen, touch ➔
and text
Set default keyboard
Samsung keypad