Dialing a number from the phone’s memory
1. In Idle mode, press and hold the 0 key. A + appears.
2. Enter the location number of the phone number you
want and press the key.
3. The list of entries in the phone’s memory appears.
4. You can press the Up or Down key to find other
numbers on the list.
5. Press the
Dial soft key, key, or key when you have
selected the number you want.
Searching for a Number in Phonebook
After storing numbers in Phonebook, you can search for
them in two ways; by name and by caller group.
Searching for a Number by Name
1. At the idle screen, press the Name soft key.
2. Press the Select soft key or key when Search
highlights. You are asked to enter a name.
3. Enter the first few letters of the name.
The Phonebook entries are listed, starting with the first
entry matching your input.