Declaration of C onformity (R&TTE)
For thefollowing product :
Manufactured at:
to which thisdeclaration relates,is in conformity withthe following standards and/or othernormative
Safety : EN60950-1:2001
EMC : EN301 489-01 v1.4.1 (2002-08)
EN 301489-07 v1.2.1 (2002-08)
SAR : EN50360:2001
EN 50361:2001
Network : EN 301511 v9.0.2(2003-3)
We herebydeclare that [allessential radio testsuites have beencarried out andthat] the above named
product isin conformity toall theessential requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC.
The conformity assessment procedure referred to inArticle 10 anddetailed in Annex[
1999/5/EC hasbeen followedwith the involvement of thefollowing Notified Body(ies):
BABT, BalfourHouse, Churchfield Road,
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT122TD, UK
Identification mark: 0168
The technicaldocumentation kept at :
which will bemade availableupon request.
(Representative inthe EU)
Portable Cellular Telephone
(Product description)
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, 94-1, Imsoo-Dong, Gumi City, Kyung-Buk, Korea,
(factory name,address)
Samsung Electronics QA Lab.
Samsung ElectronicsEuro QALab.
BlackbusheBusiness Park,SaxonyWay,
Yateley, Hampshire,
Yong-Sang Park / S. Manager
(placeand dateof issue) (nameand signature ofauthorized person)
It is not the addressof Samsung Service Centre. For the addressor thephone number ofSamsung
Service Centre, seethe warrantycard orcontact theretailer whereyou purchasedyour phone.
X620.book Page 76 Monday, August 29, 2005 8:21 AM