Lock/Unlock System
Lock/Unlock System
Locking Profiles
After setting your profiles (rating and spending limits, channel lists, and new
User names), the system needs to be locked for them to take effect. After selecting
the Lock System button you will be prompted to enter a four digit password.
Permanently Unlocking Profiles
Please note that when you unlock the profiles, any channel blocks, spending limits,
or rating limits that you have set are no longer enforced. To lock the system again
you must repeat Steps 1 and 2 above. You may use a new password each time
you re-lock the system.
Note: If you forget your four-digit password, you must call your service provider for
Temporarily Unlocking Profiles
When you access blocked channels, or programs that exceed your spending or rating
limit, you will be asked for your password. After the correct four-digit password is
entered, your receiver will remain temporarily unlocked until you turn off your
Multi-Satellite Receiver. All locks and limits will be enforced again when your system
is turned on again. While the system is temporarily unlocked, the icon will
appear in the channel banner.
Highlight the Lock System option and
press the button to access the
password screen.
Enter a 4-digit password using the
buttons. Once entered and
confirmed, you must enter this password
to modify channel lists, rating limits,
or spending limits, or to temporarily
override any of these restrictions. While
the system is locked, the icon will
appear in the channel banner, and the
Lock System button in the Profiles menu
will change to Unlock System.
Menu Overview: Profiles