Kids Mode
Use this widget to provide a fun and safe environment for children by restricting children’s
access to certain apps or content.
First, download and install the widget, and then, on the Home screen, tap
Kids Mode
. When the widget is installed, it appears on the Home and Apps screens.
To start kids mode, tap
Kids Mode
on the Home or Apps screen.
When you launch this widget for the first time, tap
at the bottom of the screen. Then,
follow the on-screen instructions.
If the
Kids Mode
widget is accidentally uninstalled from the Apps screen, you can add
the widget to the Home screen again. On the Home screen, tap and hold an empty
area, tap
, tap and hold the
Kids Mode
widget, and then drag it to the Home
screen. Then, tap the widget to launch
Kids Mode
Kids mode Home screen
The Home screen is the starting point to access all of apps in kids mode.
Kids Drawing
Kids Media
Exit kids mode.
Access parental control.
Newly added apps
Kids Voice Recorder
Kids Camera
Kids Gallery