setup screen
58_ setup screen
RTP confi guration : You can set the RTP protocol.
RTSP port : You can set the RTSP port.
Streaming port : Used to transfer video signal with the RTP protocols.
The default range is between 61000 and 61999.
Multicast address : IP address used to transfer video signal with the RTP
Multicast port : Used to transfer video signal with the RTP-protocol multicasting.
TTL* : You can set the TTL for the RTP packet.
When done, click [Apply].
Your settings are saved and the system restarts.
The currently opened web browser will be closed.
If the IP router has more than one camera connected, you should confi gure IP and port settings
differently with each other.
To set the user account
Click <Basic> - <User>.
The User setup window appears.
Login authentication : You can set to
authenticate the login by the user.
If you select <Enable>, the user
should have gone through the
login authentication; if selecting
<Disable>, every user can access
the system without the login authentication, having the ordinary user permissions.
When done, click [Apply].
Your settings will be saved.
Add users or edit user ID or password.
User login ID/password list : Displays a list of accessible users ID, passwords, and
You can add up to 10 users.
The admin ID is "root".
The password for the admin ID can be changed, but not added or deleted.