If you accept the installation of JRE, the installation process will start.
Verify Certificate
When JRE is installed completely, you will move to the SmartCam Web page.
And, you will be prompted to agree to run the application published by
Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd.
Start the SmartCam Web service
Verify the Java version
In the SmartCam Web service access page, make search for JAVA Runtime
Environment (hereinafter “JRE”) and check if your PC has installed the
recommended version of JRE 1.6.10 or later. If not, install the latest version of
JRE as recommended by the Company.
From the Verify Java page, click on the given button to check the Java version.
Verifying the Java version
Search for the current version of JRE on the PC
Check the JRE version of the current PC
Check the current JRE version and download the latest version if necessary
( version 6 Update 31 as of 2012/04)