Terms and Conditions & Warranty
In This Section
. Terms and Conditions of Services
. Manufacturer’s Warranty
his section contains the Terms and Conditions of Services and
the manufacturer’s warranty for your Sprint PCS Phone
Terms and Conditions of Services
Thanks for choosing to connect with Sprint PCS. These terms and
conditions are part of your agreement with Sprint PCS for Sprint
Personal Communication Services.
For the most current version of the terms and conditions, please visit
our website at www.sprintpcs.com or call Sprint PCS Customer Care at
1-888-211-4PCS, because the terms and conditions included with your
Sprint PCS Phone
TM may not be the most current version. If you
activated Sprint PCS Services before the effective date of these terms
and conditions, these terms and conditions replace and supersede any
previous terms and conditions.
If you have questions about your Sprint PCS Services, call Sprint PCS
Customer Care at 1-888-211-4PCS (4727) or visit our Web site at
Your agreement (“Agreement”) with Sprint Spectrum L.P. and any of its
affiliates doing business as Sprint PCS providing Sprint Personal
Communications Services (“Services”) to you is made up of these Terms
and Conditions of Service (“Terms”) and the Service Plan that we agree
to provide you. Your “Service Plan” is described in our marketing
materials, and includes the rates and features we set for that Service
Plan. We use the words “we,” “us,” “our” or “Sprint PCS” to refer to
Sprint Spectrum L.P. and its affiliates doing business as Sprint PCS in
these Terms. When you activate Services or attempt to use our Services
(including, without limitation, attempting to place a call on the Sprint
PCS Network or off the Sprint PCS Network when roaming, including
“911” or similar calls), you accept the Agreement.
Provision of Service
Your purchase of Sprint PCS phones or other equipment does not mean
that we must provide Services to you. We may decide not to provide
Services to you for any lawful reason. We may request that you provide
us with any information we reasonably require to determine whether
you qualify for Services. Services in some areas are managed and
provided under contract with Sprint PCS by independent affiliates with
access to the Sprint PCS Network. Some Services may not be available
or may operate differently in certain affiliate markets.
Credit Verification
You must have and keep satisfactory credit to receive and continue to
receive Services. We will verify your credit before agreeing to provide
Services to you and we may verify your credit at any time while we