96 Pictures/Videos
• Fun Frames: Allows you to select a frame around the image before
the picture is taken. Press the navigation key left or right to select
the desired frame. Press to select and return to the camera
• Color Tones: Allows you to select between several different color
tones by pressing the navigation key left or right. When you find
the desired tone, press .
• Controls: Allows you to set the Brightness and White Balance for
your pictures.
• Brightness: Allows you to set the brightness level. Press the
navigation key left or right to increase or decrease the desired
• White Balance: Allows you to set up the white balance of the
camera automatically or manually using the different preset
modes. The modes available are:
• Auto: Automatically adjusts the lighting.
• Sunny: Decreases the light sensitivity for taking pictures in full
or mostly sunny conditions.
• Cloudy: Increases light sensitivity for taking pictures under
cloudy conditions.
• Tungsten: Adjusts the white balance to match inside lighting
conditions displayed using common household light bulbs.
• Fluorescent: Adjusts the white balance to match inside lighting
conditions displayed using common fluorescent lighting.
• Manual: Allows you to adjust the white balance settings
• Settings: Allows you to change the following camera settings:
• Resolution: Your full-color digital camera can take pictures in
different modes. Each of the modes allow you to increase the
zoom multiple levels, depending on the picture quality setting.
This allows you to get a closer view of the subject or scenery
being photographed. The available sizes are:
• 1.3 MP (1280x960): This is the highest resolution setting
available for this camera, thus allowing you the most image
detail. Images taken at the high setting require more memory to
save than the other three modes.
• High (640x480): Allows you to take high quality images but uses
less memory.